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Cultural, Religious And Linguistic Communities
The CRL Rights Commission is a constitutional body established in terms of the South African Constitution of 1996. Its constitutional mandate is to strengthen our constitutional democracy. The Commission was established in order to protect and promote the cultural, religious, and linguistic community rights. Its mandate is achievable through both proactive and reactive approaches.
The CRL Rights Commission is set out to build the nation by providing space for each of the cultural, religious and linguistic communities and to promote unity amongst diverse communities.
Chapter 2 Of The Bill Of Rights – Section 31
“Persons belonging to a cultural, religious or linguistic community may not be denied the right, with other members of that community— (a) to enjoy their culture, practice their religion and use their language; and (b) to form, join and maintain cultural, religious and linguistic associations and other organs of civil society.”

Our Values
The Commission subscribes to the following values in execution of its mandate:
- Integrity
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Professionalism
- Impartiality
- Responsiveness
- Respect
Our Vision
Mutual respect amongst diverse cultural, religious and linguistic communities.
Our Mission
To foster the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic communities to be able to freely observe and practise their culture, religion and language.